Palin manic on meth? -- I finally figured out the bizarre buzz, the breakneck speed, & the glittering eyes. It's meth. Apparently Wasilla Alaska is the meth capital of the USofA.
This was my first reaction to the Biden/Palin Debate -- speed thrills before it kills. Sarah Louise does her go-go pills.
I watched the debate thinking What the heck is going on? Whence this uber-confidence, this inappropriate hyper-perkiness, this darting, pinballing lack of logic, the careening freight train of runaway energy? 'Winking' on the day after the economy lost a trillion dollars? The offensively feral feistiness. Weird cubed. Sursurreal.
An hour after the debate the light bulb went off. I remembered friends back-in-the-day forty years ago who did speed. I called one and asked, "How did it feel when you did speed?" He said, "Exactly what you saw in Sarah Palin tonight. You don't have a shred of doubt. You have a giddy, mega-exaggerated confidence in your expression and mental abilities. You feel brilliant, witty, and hyperhappy. In those days, you'd hitchhike with a truck driver who was on speed. The upside was that you'd be grateful he'd give you a ride for 500 miles. The downside was that he wouldn't stop talking for five hours."
To 'How do you feel doing speed,' another friend also a guy, younger, said, "You go into great detail. You have tremendous verbiage and excess energy. I felt like vacuuming. Every breath is a good breath, clear and sharp like eating horseradish. It makes perfect sense to me that Palin was on speed. She was all amped up. She exuded a manufactured confidence. Like if there were no two-minute limit, she would have just kept talking & talking. Because your mind is racing, you tend to overexplain, to blurt out whatever occurs to you -- like the snippy & flip "I'm not gonna answer what you people want' bit. Palin in the Debate is Classic Speed, a Case Study."
La Piranhas is an anagram of Sarah Palin.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Palin Manic on Meth?
Sarah Palin,
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