Friday, May 9, 2008

Caucuses are The Big Lie
-- The Introductory Post

The Greatest Story Ever Untold
this election year
is just how anti-democracy caucuses really are.

Shamefully, caucuses silence
15% of Hillary’s voters, older women.
[After this Welcome Post, please see daily new posts below]

Every 8th volunteer phone call I made into a caucus state got me,
“Oh no, honey, I don’t dare go out to caucus.
I’m off-balance.”
There is an invisible epidemic of older women
who have a terrible fear of falling.

Mr. Obama’s position is essentially ‘The people have spoken; you can’t go against the will of the people.’ Which people? American Democracy: Only Healthy People Need Apply.

It was said of the aged Elizabeth Cady Stanton, founding mother of the women’s right to vote, “she was weak of body, but keen of mind.” With no absentee ballot, these keen Hillary voters are unheard, disappeared citizens. Honest superdelegates will want to consider what the will of the people really adds up to.

Note that in Texas, Hillary was +4 in the primary and -12 in the caucus
on the same day!

Suppose we had only looked at the caucus results? A 16% swing. Hillary’s voters many pledged delegates and much popular vote in all those caucus states
are missing.

The caucuses debacle is a scandal in our beloved democracy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did have some foggy notion that caucuses were a dumb arrangement, but I had no idea they were so very wrong. Thank you, caucus, for this new blog for spreading the word.