Voter Suppression of Hillary's core voters, housebound older women who,
forbidden the Absentee Ballot in Caucus States, are cheated, disappeared in the pledged delegates & popular votes count.
I am so grateful for your support of Hillary, the most electable & astonishingly prepared candidate of my lifetime. She is a champion for so many whose dispossessed sorrow or rage is transformed to courage at her example. You must forgive me if I sound a little overheated about the Caucus Scandal. It's been burning in my stunned brain since January. This information is distilled from 2400 volunteer phone calls.
The Will of the People?
Not housebound & bedbound older women people who are forbidden Absentee Ballots in Caucus States. "I can't caucus, honey, I'm a cripple,"said 87-yr-old Vera. "Just because I'm sick, doesn't mean I can't think," said 82-yr-old Ruth.
Not the blameless voters (also people except in the Democratic Party?) in Florida & Michigan who futilely imagined that their vote was their voice in their beloved Democratic Party.
In the Texas primary, Hillary's voters were plus 4. On the same day in the caucus with Absentee Ballots forbidden, they were minus 12. A 16% swing!
Suppose we had only seen the Caucus Results in Texas!
That's what happened in all those other Caucus States.
It’s a Mockery of Democracy. Upon my life and sacred honor, I always believed that the Democratic Party stood in essence for the voice and vote of each American? (Suppose 16% of black voters were forbidden to vote for Mr. Obama? Would there not be an outcry? Of course.) Superdelegates are designed to see this kind of hidden & horrible injustice against democracy & take it into account.
I have so much more specific info on this 16% Awful Caucus Skew. I am desperate to get the info out. When this story gets reported, the superdelegate dynamic will change. Sincerely, & heartbroken at the death of democracy, 16% Awful Caucus Skew
image matisse
I wonder how many of the superdelegates are older women who might be disabled?
best of luck in getting attention to this very serious concern about the way the primary system is currently structured.
What do you mean?
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